Sunday, February 27, 2011


My turn for Soup Monday! Each Monday at work someone from the staff brings in three or four crock-pots full of soup to share with the staff. So if you sign up for Soup Monday, each Monday you have a free lunch. I always forget it's Monday until I walk in the staff lounge and smell the yummy soup. Anyway it was my turn to make the soup for Soup Monday and thankfully Aaron was home to help me get it all made.


An adorable picture of a sweet doll. Naomi is missing her Addie doll, but she did get a chance to play with Anna's Kirsten doll yesterday at the Ladies Breakfast. Anna is an adorable young lady who we watched grow up. She was nine when we first moved to Kodiak and her and Clara and Emma (our neighbors at the time) loved to play dolls. I can remember watching the girls play dolls on the front yard next door and just wishing for the day when I would have my own little girl to play dolls with.